Today we didn’t have to get up so early, the plan was to leave the hotel at 11 for the train station. I woke up at around 8:30 anyway so I took a Long shower and then met Johan for breakfast. Martin joined half an hour later.

Checkout, then walk to the station. Didn’t find a ticket machine so we bought them online instead. Uneventful trip with the train and we arrived at Wien Hauptbahnhof just before 13. I took a scooter to my hotel since I was staying another night, the others went to find lockers and some lunch.

Took me about 20 minutes on the scooter to get to the hotel, not sure why I booked this one… Anyhow, checked in, unpacked some, and then off to find Martin and Johan who ate lunch in a park somewhere. What would we have done without cellphones, free roaming, and location sharing?

They started to look for ice cream and I had some lunch. Luckily we found a Wurststand and an ice cream bar just beside each other.

Went on to look at the Spanish riding school. We saw the building, took the pictures, didn’t understand what the fuss was about. Kept walking around and landed at a cafe for something to drink. This is by far the most productive day we have had 🤣

After we spent some time in a park just enjoying the weather we said our goodbyes and I took another scooter back to my hotel.

Took a bath and watched today’s F1 race. Then off to a local restaurant for some Italian food, a very delicious pizza. Finally spent my last evening on the continent walking around the amusement park Prater, watching people having fun riding different attractions. Quite a lot of folks there for being a Sunday evening. Though it were not very Long queues to the attractions.

Got back to the hotel and am now writing this post. Tomorrow it’s time to go back home. Flight leaves at 17:40, so a couple of final hours to spend in this nice city.

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