Since the first time in the “morning” we had to adhere to was at 11, leaving the house we didn’t set any alarms. Felt nice to have a sleep in 🙂

Packed up our stuff and made plans for visiting the Tower of London. Set off for the subway for the last time, stopping by “our” coffee house so HÃ¥kan could get a pick-me-up. After one transfer we stepped out through Alden station. Via Luggage Hero we found a place for storing our bags until it was time to depart for the airport.

We started to look for some breakfast, or actually lunch. We ended up getting take away from Pret A Manger which we brought to the steps outside the Tower of London and enjoyed our meal in the sun. Bought tickets online, since the line was quite long, and went through the famous gates. We were lucky because the next Yeomen Warders tour would start in just a couple of minutes.

These guys are quite funny which makes it easier to listen to all the stories about the people and events that occurred here. The tour took about an hour and then we walked around for another couple of hours, among other things looking at the crown jewels.

Time flew by so we went back to get our bags and then took the subway and Heathrow Express to the airport. Bag drop and security went rather smoothly so we went to find something to eat. Ended up at Pret A Manger again.

How does this “borrow wine” business work?

When the clock turned 17:20 our gate was posted so I headed there (it said boarding already) while HÃ¥kan and Martin went for a short shopping spree. The plane was full so it was a couple of controversies with some luggage moving around to fit everything.

Wrote this post on the plane, hoping I’m not using all “high-speed wifi” by downloading and uploading images 🙂 Probably a taxi ride home and then finally meet my cats again.

All in all, a fun trip, in spite of the lost game.

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