Since I got in bed at three in the morning and didn’t start my shift until 12 I was trying to stay in bed as long as possible. At seven it got too hot in the inner tent, so I crawled out of it, to the outer tent, bringing my mattress, opened the door, and put the fan beside me to get me some fresh air. It worked for about an hour but at eight it was too hot even there. Got up and joined the team. Me, Moa, and Hanna went to the Jamboree shop, Food houses, and the areas surrounding them. Bought me a mug (of course) and a couple of more items. We stopped at the Swedish food house where they got some cool drinks while I had the most food for lunch since the food box at the Welcome Center on the 29th, meatballs, and mashed potatoes. Delicious!

There were two motives on the mugs, but you didn’t know which box contained which before you opened them.

I found Freyja in her booth and did their activity and then I found Lenke and Sandro in their booth. We spoke a bit about last night and someone made the comment, “Compared to this, Japan worked like the Swiss”. For context, it’s worth mentioning that Japan had large problems with heat and food.

I got back to our camp in time for my shift at 12. Changed our temporary recycling station to a small sleeping area for our staff. We got some camp beds we put up with some pillows.

The food was actually early this afternoon and the food department did the unloading by themselves. We could start delivery 15 minutes early and the whole thing went smoothly, except for allergies which still is a problem. Today CMT (Contingent Management Team) from two countries came and discussed their units’ food problems. Hopefully, pressure from CMTs will help the issues to get resolved.

Afterward, Hanna, Josefine, Moa, Martin, and I went for dinner after one of the Koreans showed us a picture. It was tasty chicken, a bit of spicy rice, and a banana.

We got back to our camp and brought out the chairs to watch the fireworks show that was excluded. At 21 I gave up and went for a shower. Got back and went to bed since I got the morning shift and need to get up just before five.

I do have to say that the last couple of days, I’ve coped better and getting used to camplife. It’s not nice (heat, sand, sweat and so on), but I’ve found my routine, what’s working for me and we take care of each other. So I might even say that today was not just okay, but even good.

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