Showing: 11 - 20 of 24 RESULTS

Changing islands

A calm morning with some packing, breakfast, and check-out. The taxi was booked for 11:15, arrived at 11:00, and wasn’t too happy that we wanted to go straight to the pier in Thong Sala, I assume he wanted to take a detour and pick up some more (we had four …


More basic housing

Up bright and early, nine o clock (though Anna and John were up even earlier, as usual…). Pack the last stuff, get breakfast, and then check out. Saying goodbye to the owners and the fantastic personnel. Five of us took a taxi and the rest took the scooters. The cab …


Full Moon Party

Still not used to the heat during the night. I sleep okay but when if I wake up it’s hard to return to sleep. Really slow day for a few of us. Breakfast and then the neighbor hotel pool for like three hours. Late lunch at this place Lin-Da that …


Mae Haad Beach

Today’s plan was to get to Mae Haad Beach on the northwest corner of the island. I left early to take the inland route to avoid any steep hills when going by scooter. When all had arrived we did the same thing as we’ve done the past days; sunbathing, swimming, …