Showing: 11 - 20 of 38 RESULTS

We being tourists

The annual meeting I attended last night ended at four in the morning. However, I slept really well in the dark room and woke up at 11. The doors aren’t that thick so I heard a vacuum cleaner at 8 (I think) but thankfully I could fall back to sleep. …


Singapore is also hot

I slept really well this night. Woke up around 9:30, got myself ready, and left for a mall, looking for a charger for my Pixel Watch and maybe someone who can repair the screen on my phone. Some googling yesterday told me that Funan should have a lot of electronic …


Hellooooo Singapore!!

I slept terribly last night. Probably to some extent because of realizing last night that my bags are around 2 kilos too heavy. And the same for my carry-on luggage. This after I’ve thrown away like my rubber boots, some clothes, and other stuff. Kept thinking of ways to get …


Good bye Seoul!

So I slept even better this night thanks to the AC being turned on, that helped a lot 🙂 When I woke up Jonas had already messaged me that he was going to meet the others somewhere at 10:30 so we would be leaving the hotel separately. Packed up the …


The end, of WSJ23

Early morning is relative but this one felt like it. Got up at 7 to pack the last stuff and then breakfast. Still not used to the Korean breakfast. Said thanks and goodbye to our IST support Henrik and Jacob who, with colleagues, have helped us through this historical Jamboree. …


Mud festival

My alarm was set to 7:30 but Jonas got up a bit earlier. Another shower and then head down to breakfast. They told us that we had to be there at 8. During the breakfast, which contained a BLT sandwich from Subway and a juice box, we got informed that …



The alarm went off at 4 and I got up quickly so I shouldn’t fall asleep again. Took a few minutes before my colleagues joined me and we started to tear down our office. I took it upon myself to start delivering big bags to the units for storing tents …


Constant change

Got up and went to the dining hall to get breakfast. Spoke with a couple of Swedes, interesting to hear their stories from the Jamboree. Had some trouble finding a working adult male toilet with paper, a continuing issue at this camp. Before lunch, our Deputy chief got the message …