
Ian, the hurricane

I had a well-needed good night’s sleep and woke up around 8. Put on the news to see the latest updates about the hurricane heading towards Florida. My plan was to leave relatively early and head down to Miami, which hopefully wouldn’t be hit as hard as Tampa and Orlando. …


Go Pack Go!

I set the alarm for eight so I would have time for breakfast and a swim before heading off to the stadium. Not like a Swedish hotel buffet but it was something to fill my stomach with at least. Put on the bathing shorts and went down to the beach. …


The Everglades

First I must write something about last night. When I got to bed a loud beeping started, like I need earplugs loud. Felt like a fire alarm but it stopped after about 20 seconds. I looked out into the hallway where another guest said his girlfriend had experienced this at …


The Atlantic Ocean

The alarm was set at nine but I woke up before that like every other day on this trip. I left the hotel to get some breakfast at Sunny’s which I scouted earlier this week. I decided for some toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, and some apple juice. The first batch …


Key West

Today I was so nervous about not waking up or having enough time to eat some breakfast so when I checked the clock and it said 5:45, I just got up. Took a shower to wake up, not much warm water and almost as lousy water pressure as in Thailand. …


It’s quite warm

Woke up at 6:30 and couldn’t fall back to sleep so I got up and went down to the beach. Stood a while in the water and just enjoyed the moment in the sun and heat. Strolled north along the edge of the water passing by people running, walking, exercising, …


Up up and away!

The day could have started better. Woke up around 2 o clock and couldn’t get back to sleep, so ended up just scrolling Facebook for an hour, before I realized that the Packers were playing the Bears at the time so I started watching that game while slowly eating breakfast. …