
Parting ways

Today we didn’t have to get up so early, the plan was to leave the hotel at 11 for the train station. I woke up at around 8:30 anyway so I took a Long shower and then met Johan for breakfast. Martin joined half an hour later. Checkout, then walk …


Hockey in Trinec

An even earlier breakfast today. Took a Bolt taxi to the airport (like 15 minutes) with a driver that spoke no English at all. In these situations, the “app-taxis” is quite good. All addresses and payment is made up beforehand and delivered to the driver in a manner he or …


Tourist in Vienna

First of all, I realized that I never mentioned that I’ll spend two nights in Vienna before going to Bratislava. I thought that since the best flights took me to Vienna and then transfer to Bratislava, why not stay a couple of nights here first. Woke up a bit earlier …


Heading to Vienna

Göran called me a couple of months ago asking if I was going to Bratislava for the CHL games. I said I hadn’t thought about it but his call got me thinking, that this could be fun. Said and done, I booked flights, and hotels and started to look for …


Goodbye and thanks!

A rather uneventful flight back to Copenhagen, few of us got minutes to hours of sleep. Passport control had no queue but the luggage took some time. Goodbyes were said, hugs were given and everyone left for the trains except me and Mattias who had one flight left to Arlanda, …


Going home

Slow morning at the hotel, several skipped breakfast. Check out around 11 and then stuff all luggage in Daniel’s room, since he is staying for another night. Off to MBK for some lunch, I tried massage for the first time and then watched Skyscraper in the cinema. A movie well-fitted …


Tourist day

Today was tourist day. Some went on a “Royal Palace, Buddha-statues”-run with the guide Annors. I jumped into a cab and headed to Chinatown. First, a “small” mall called Old Siam Plaza, with a lot of small shops with mainly clothes but also the usual random stuff. Then I walked …


Escape room in Thailand

Don’t know why but had a really hard time falling asleep last night. Ended up watching and listening to the last 30 min of the semifinal between France and Belgium, congratulations to the French! Today’s agenda was escape room and shopping. We got up, had breakfast, and headed over to …