During 2023 it was once again time for a World Scout Jamboree, this time in Saemanguem a few hours south of Seoul in South Korea.

I applied in 2022 and got accepted and at a gathering for all Swedish ISTs, I met Jonas E who was part of the same scout troop in Karlsro Scoutkår when I grew up. We teamed up and did some traveling before and after the Jamboree itself.

This is the travelplan I had:

  • WARM!

    Today was the day to head to the campsite. We woke up, had breakfast, and waited for the buses to arrive at nine. They came at eleven… We went to a welcome center where they checked that we had done Safe From Harm and got our ID badges. We also …

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  • More heat, and rain

    It was cooler than I expected in the morning. I turned off my fan around 5 in the morning but never needed to pull anything over me. Got up at 6:45 and got prepared for breakfast. A few of us joined in the ten-minute walk to the dining hall. When …

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  • Some arrived early, some are postponing.

    The rain helped with the temperature so it was only 26 degrees in the tent. Woke up a lot during the night and at six I got up, heading for breakfast. At the dining hall, we met a subcamp chief that lives in the furthest subcamp. If the shuttle bus …

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  • Arrival day, #1

    Got up at 5:30, leaving for breakfast fifteen minutes later. Some queue but it was alright.Met Sandro in the dining hall, nice to meet him four years later. He has some insight into the Wosm organization so it was interesting to get his perspective. Just got back to my Subcamp …

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  • A birthday in different shapes

    Almost slept until 7, then the temperature reached 30 and I couldn’t stay in bed 🙂 Got up and went for breakfast, I had asked my team lead to sleep in. I sat at the Swedish CMT flag and spoke to a couple of Swedes working at another Subcamp. I …

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  • First day of the normal routine

    Since I got in bed at three in the morning and didn’t start my shift until 12 I was trying to stay in bed as long as possible. At seven it got too hot in the inner tent, so I crawled out of it, to the outer tent, bringing my …

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  • Soooo, UK is leaving

    Yesterday I was fine to volunteer for the morning shift and food distribution, starting at 5. When the alarm went off I wasn’t as eager as the day before. It was a beautiful morning though. Quickly dressed and set off to the food tent. We started about 10 minutes late …

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  • Promotion

    Today I was working the evening shift so I tried once more to sleep in. At seven it was an unbearable 32 degrees in the tent so I got up, got dressed, and moved over to our resting tent with the beds. Dozed off for some time but it was …

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  • It’s so damn hot!

    I woke up before 7 with almost 30 degrees in my tent. Tidyd up a bit, put away my laundry, and tried to sweep the sand out of the tent. There is literally sand everywhere. The problem is that it increases friction and creates blisters when it gets into your …

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